Prof. emer. Dr. med. Andreas B. Imhoff
Prof. emer. Dr. med. Andreas B. Imhoff
Swiss Paraplegic Center Basel (Dr. Guido A. Zäch)
Department of General Surgery and Traumatology, Davos (Prof. Dr. Peter Matter)
Department of General Surgery and Traumatology, Vascular Surgery, Bruderholz-Basel (Prof. Dr. Peter Waibel, Prof. Dr. Werner Müller)
Department of Neurology and Electromyography, University of Zürich (Prof. Dr. G. Baumgartner, PD Dr. M. Meier)
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Center for Sports Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Prof. Freddie H. Fu M.D., Prof. Jon J.P. Warner M.D., Prof. Chris Harner M.D.) and Musculoskeletal Research Center University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Prof. Savio L.-Y Woo Ph.D.)
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Balgrist Hospital, University of Zürich (Prof. Dr. Adam Schreiber, Prof. Dr. Hans Zollinger, Prof. Dr. Christian Gerber)
1996 - 2022
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Faculty Medical School and Faculty School of Sports-Science and Health, Tech. University Munich (TUM), Director / Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
since 2022
Scientific Consultant at Sportklinik Ravensburg
- AGA (German Society of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery – 5.000 members)
- ASES (American Society of Shoulder and Elbow)
- DGOOC/DGOU (German Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
- ISAKOS (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine)
- SGO (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie) (1987)
- ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy)
Awards (Auszug)
- 1990: Instructor for Arthroscopy (AGA)
- 1996: Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award (AAOS/ORS)
- 2000: Focus Toplist of Surgeons for Sports Traumatology and Sports Medicine (maximum points) (Focus-Ärztelisten_Sportverletzungen) Topmediziner mit maximaler Punktzahl im Gebiet Sportverletzungen
- 2010-2021: Focus Toplist of Shoulder- and Knee- Surgeons (maximum points) (Focus-Ärztelisten) Topmediziner mit maximaler Punktzahl im Gebiet Orthopädie–Schulterchirurgie, Orthopädie–Kniechirurgie, Orthopädie-Ellenbogen (mit Prof. Sebastian Siebenlist) und Sportorthopädie
- 2013: AGA-medi Award 2013 15.000€: Structural and Biomechanical Changes in Shoulders of Junior Javelin Throwers – A multimodal Evaluation as a Proof of Concept for a Preventive Exercise Protocol (K.Beitzel, J.Zandt, S.Buchmann, K.I.Beitzel, A. Schwirtz, AB. Imhoff, PU. Brucker)
- 2012: DVSE- Instruktor for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
- 2014: BVOU-medi Award 2014 (7.500€): Valgus bracing in symptomatic varus malalignment for testing the expectable “unloading effect” following valgus high tibial osteotomy (P. Minzlaff, T. Saier, PU. Brucker, B. Haller, AB. Imhoff, S. Hinterwimmer)
- 2014: Alwin-Jäger Preis 2014 für klinische arthroskopische Innovationen im Bereich Knie- und Schulter (2.500€): Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren der Omarthrose nach arthroskopischer Schulterstabilisierung - Eine Langzeitstudie an 100 Schultern mit 13 Jahren Follow-up. J. Plath, M. Aboalata, G. Seppel, J. Juretzko, S. Waldt, St. Vogt , AB. Imhoff
- 2014: DKG-CODON Award 2014: Quality of life and return to work following ACL reconstruction. Ph. Minzlaff, T. Saier, T. Heidt, M. Feucht, St. Hinterwimmer and AB. Imhoff
- 2017: Alwin-Jäger-Award 2017 “Angulation of the osteotomy in distal femur torsion correction leads to unintended changes of axis” F. B. Imhoff, K. Beitzel, R.A. Arciero, AB Imhoff, AD MazzoccaI et al.
- 2018: Young Investigator Award, GOTS “The integrity of the acromioclavicular capsule ensures physiologic centration of the acromioclavicular joint under rotational loading.” F. Dyrna, F. B. Imhoff, K. Beitzel, AB Imhoff, AD Mazzocca et al.
- 2018: DKOU 1. Poster Award 2018. Long-term radiographic adapütions to the stress of high-level and recreational rock climbing in young athletes – An 11 years longitudinal study of German junior national team and a group of recreational climbers. V. Schöffl, Ph. Hoffmann, Th. Küpper, AB. Imhoff, St. Hinterwimmer.
- 2019: OTIF Award 2019 of Orthopaedic Legends(Stephen Snyder, John Garrett, David Altchek, Andreas Imhoff), Naples 20.1.2019
- 2019: Richard Caspari Award 12th ISAKOS Cancun (Dr. Felix Dyrna, Andreas Imhoff et al.)
- 2019: John Joyce Award 12th ISAKOS Cancun (Dr. Felix Dyrna, Andreas Imhoff et al.)
- 2021: MEM Lecture Swiss Orthopaedics: Shoulder Instability across the life span – Evolution in the last 40 years. (24.Juni 2021)
Honorary Membership
- Honorary Member of the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA)
- Miembro Honorario, Sociedad Argentina de Cirurgia de Hombro y Codo, Buenos Aires
- Malaysian Federal Honorary Award of Darjah Kebesaran PANGLIMA JASA NEGARA (P.J.N.) “DATUK” (Honorary-Award given by His Majesty Tuanku Mizan, up to 200 living at any one time)
- Honorary Member of the AGA (German Society of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery)
- Honorary Member of the Indian Arthroscopy Society (IAS) Hyderabad, India
- Honorary Member of the South East European Forum on Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SEEFORT) Dubrovnik, April 2017.
Corresponding Member
- Socio Correspondiente La Sociedad Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatologia: Santiago de Chile (SCHOT)
- Socio Correspondiente, La Sociedad Chileno de Medicina del Deporte (SOCHMEDEP) 5.-7.9.2002 Santiago
- Corresponding Member of the American Society of Shoulder and Elbow (ASES)
- Socio Correspondiente La Sociedad Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatologia: Vina del Mar (SCHOT)
- Socio Correspondiente, La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopía, Rodilla y Deporte (SLARD), 12.-14.3.20 Santiago de Chile
Boards International and National, Experts
- Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA), Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG)
- BISP (Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft)
- DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation)
- SFN (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds)
Publications (1979 - 2022)
Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen, Bücher, etc.
PubMed Papers 542, Books 39
ResearchGate Score 49,29
h-Index 63, h-index excluding self citations 59